Friday, March 25, 2011

Literary Events.

Wednesday, March 30th, 7:30 PM:

Java Cafe, Moose Jaw, SK: Reading (evening includes readings by Vanier Collegiate students, and music)

Thursday, March 31st, 9:50 AM:

Riding Planet Earth Presentation at Riverview School, Moose Jaw, SK

11:45 AM:

Lunch at Vanier Collegiate with Creative Writing Students, Followed by a Reading

1:45 PM:

Creative Writing Workshop at Vanier Collegiate

then back to Edmonton ....

Y o u A r e I n v i t e d

Edmonton Voices Reading Series
Quartet of Readings

Shelley A. Leedahl (mentor)
Adam Wilson (apprentice)
Don Trembath (mentor)
Ilan Clemens (apprentice)

Wednesday, April 6th, 7 – 9 PM
Audrey’s Book Store
107th Street & Jasper Ave.

Monday, March 14, 2011


It doesn't make sense. Frankly, it never has.

I remember a day in Saskatoon when my son was perhaps 15, cycling along beside me as I ripped around the Meewasin Trail (running), and he said: "Mom, for the amount of exercise you get, there should be nothing to you."

It's true. These days I swim 2000-4000 metres a week, and run approximately 40-50K. How can I still be so much heavier than I want to be? Truly, I am a freak of nature.

I'm going to try to stay on track with Greg during his marathon training, which means we do one long run a week, and several shorter ones. Yesterday I broke my own personal record for distance, and ran 24K. You know, it wasn't that bad. We build up to 32K.

I don't particularly have aspirations to run a marathon. The half last year was good fun, true, but I run because it's part of my lifestyle. I committed to this New Years Eve, 1995, when I smoked my last cigarette.

So the running comes along, the weight loss doesn't. It's frustrating.

But I rant. For it's early in the morning, before the birds are singing, and I've been awake for too long.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why We Love The Norwood Legion.

On occasion we find ourselves at the neighbourhood Legion, Norwood Branch. We went once, got hooked on the English-local feel of the place ... the characters, the pub fare, the pints, the meat draws.

The first night we ever went, Greg won the 50\50. We were hooked.

This weekend we have company: my mother came out on the train from Watrous, SK; and my brother Kirby and sister-in-law Laurel are visiting from High River.

We took them to the Legion. There were 12 meat draws (you buy $10 worth of tickets for 12 draws) and our little group of 5 won 8 out of the 12 meat draws, PLUS, Kirby won the 50\50!

It actually became embarassing to be so lucky. We gathered our meat products at the end of the night, came home and posed with it.

Kirby and our winning meat, plus the $40 he won on the 50\50.
Mom and Kirby with meat.

Our lucky table at the Norwood Legion.

Kirby is congratulated for winning the 50\50 at the Norwood Legion.

Greg and Laurel at the Norwood Legion.

New Boots.

These are my new boots. I have been waiting for them my whole life.