Sunday, October 16, 2011

Son: A Thanksgiving Photo Essay in Three Parts \ Part Two

Greg: "It's so much better to get in a boat and out to the deep water."

Son: "This feels like a big one!"

Son: "There's a sunstar on top of the trap!"

Son: "That's a big sucker."

Hauling the trap in for another check.
Son: "Yep, it's a male, and not a bad size."

Son: "Mom, take a picture of me."
Greg: "Not a bad haul."
Son: "This big boy gets his own pail."

Son: "We need more saltwater in those containers."

Greg: "There's nothing like dungeness crab."

Greg: "This is going to be delicious, and I'll dance to that!"

Logan: "I can eat another one. Can you?"
Crab: "We're gonna need a bigger plate!"

The fine art of eating crab.

Greg: "Pass me the cracker, please."

Shelley: "This has been a fantastic day."

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